Guide To Claiming Workers Comp For Repetitive Stress Injuries

Workers compensation isn't just for workplace accidents that lead to injury. A certain class of injury, called the repetitive stress injury, is also a common cause for claims. The reason is simply because many jobs require the type of daily movements that lead to these types of injury. For example, carpal tunnel, a condition that affects the wrists, arms, and hands of many office workers, is a repetitive stress injury and it may be covered by worker's comp. Read More 

Don’t Let These Three Personal Injury Myths Waste Your Time Or Sabotage Your Case

If you've been injured due to someone else's negligence or mistake, you may be thinking of filing a personal injury case to collect funds to cover the damages. You'll need to find a good lawyer, compile your evidence, and go before a judge to have your case heard. If you have a strong case and the judge sides with you, then you'll be awarded some or all of the money you've asked for. Read More 

Understanding The Workers Compensation Administrative Hearing Process

If you have worked for a company that employs enough people to require workers compensation insurance, then you have a legal right to compensation if you are injured at work. While this is true, the filing process can be difficult for some. If you have tried to file for workers compensation and have recently received a rejection on your claim, then you should know that you can appeal this decision. This requires you to go through an administrative hearing. Read More 

Can Lane Splitting Have An Impact On Your Motorcycle Accident Settlement?

If you've ever been stuck in heavy traffic on your motorcycle, then chances are you've been tempted to squeeze past those four-wheeled vehicles by riding in between the lanes. It's a practice known as "lane splitting," and it's one that many riders tend to engage in. But what happens if you get into a serious accident while you're engaged in lane splitting? Can it adversely impact any motorcycle accident settlement you get from the insurance company? Read More 

What Do You Do When You’re Injured As A Motorcycle Passenger?

Motorcycle accidents have many moving parts, and if you are injured as part of a motorcycle accident when you're the passenger, things can get even more complicated. But it's important to take an active role in getting compensation for any injuries you sustained. Here are some things that you can do. Have a Thorough Talk with the Driver About Next Steps Some of the steps for reporting a motorcycle accident inevitably fall on the driver. Read More