When a couple parts ways, things can either be smooth and easy or difficult. Unfortunately, divorces can get ugly when issues about child custody, property, and debt are in contention. When a divorce is headed for court, the attorneys must prepare for the process and that might mean a deposition. Read on to learn more about how to deal with your divorce deposition in a family law setting.
An Important Meeting
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Whether you've come to the United States as a means of escaping war, poverty, or a criminal past, you want to make a better life for yourself and family, no matter what. That's not always how it all plays out though, particularly as you face the challenges of living life as an immigrant. Keep up your belief in the American dream, though, and try not to let yourself be drawn down any path that might lead you anywhere else, such as in trouble that's hard to escape from.
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If you've been injured due to someone else's negligence or mistake, you may be thinking of filing a personal injury case to collect funds to cover the damages. You'll need to find a good lawyer, compile your evidence, and go before a judge to have your case heard. If you have a strong case and the judge sides with you, then you'll be awarded some or all of the money you've asked for.
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If you've ever been stuck in heavy traffic on your motorcycle, then chances are you've been tempted to squeeze past those four-wheeled vehicles by riding in between the lanes. It's a practice known as "lane splitting," and it's one that many riders tend to engage in. But what happens if you get into a serious accident while you're engaged in lane splitting? Can it adversely impact any motorcycle accident settlement you get from the insurance company?
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When you have had enough with the fighting and issues in your marriage, you and your spouse may decide to take some time apart. This is often referred to as a separation, and this period of time can either cause you to miss each other and want to work out the problems, or it can lead to feelings of peace and contentment away from each other, and these feelings can often lead to a divorce.
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