Kick Social Media Out Of Your Life During Divorce
Social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and more now have a firm footing in the lives of many. You might, however, want to take a social media break during your divorce. Read on to find out how using social media is not just unhelpful, but how it might be the exact opposite during divorce.
What You See May Be Unrealistic
It's easy to feel envy and strong emotions when observing the seemingly idyllic lives of others based on their social media postings. As a user, you probably already realize the tendency to post mostly positive events and to leave some of the more mundane and negative issues out. Divorce can hit your emotions hard, and looking at the unrealistic and limited slices of your friends' lives can only cause you more problems at a time when you need to keep things together.
What You See May Make an Amicable Divorce More Difficult
What is your soon-to-be-ex up to now? Unfortunately, taking a peek at your ex on social media is not just a common separation move; it might also damage your ability to get through divorce amicably. While the behavior of your spouse during the time leading up to a divorce might be important for legal reasons, it might be better if you unfriended your spouse altogether so that you can work together on agreements and end the marriage with as little controversy as possible. Let your lawyer do the snooping around on social media to identify their misdeeds, excessive spending, drinking and drug use, etc.
What You Do on Social Media Won't Promote Healing
Your social media friends are not always real friends. You need the kind of friend you can turn to face-to-face for comfort and support. Make a return to real-life social actions like lunch, movies, coffee, and volunteer activities. If you are not getting what you need from friends and family, consider professional counseling to help you deal with the perfectly natural feelings of loss, guilt, loneliness, and anger.
What You Post Could Be Harmful
If you think what you post is private and harmless, you may harm your divorce before you realize what's happening. Your spouse's legal team is perfectly capable of requesting a subpoena to review your social media postings – the same postings you thought were private. Your postings might turn into evidence of your inability to be a good parent, to make good financial decisions, to deal with stressful situations, and more.
To learn more about using social media during your divorce, talk to an attorney like those at Katzman Logan Halper & Bennett.