Obtaining Money In The Middle Of The Night To Bail Your Spouse Out Of Jail
If you just received a phone call from your spouse in the middle of the night alerting you that they are being held in jail until they have bail posted for their release, you are most likely concerned about the situation and worried about where you can get money at a time many establishments are closed. If it is important to you to have your spouse released immediately so they can continue to go to work to provide for your family, getting money right away will be necessary. Here are some ideas you can use to get bail money during the overnight hours.
Consider Bringing Valuables To An All-Night Pawn Shop
Check online to find a pawn shop in your area that has overnight hours. When you locate one, you can head there with some valuable items from within your home to exchange for cash needed to post bail for your spouse. The pawn shop will give you money on the spot and require you to sign an agreement indicating you will pay them back for the return of your items within a designated time frame. If you fail to return the money, you will lose ownership of your valuables. This is a great way to get money immediately for an emergency situation if you have items with value to pawn.
Contact An Around-The-Clock Bails Bond Service
Many bail bonds services have hours throughout the night so those who run into a mishap with the law are able to get money when it is needed during late-night hours. A call or visit to a website to find out specifics will lead you to a business that will pay the amount of the bail directly to the jail in your spouse's behalf. You will need to show proof of ownership of a form of collateral that values higher than the amount of the bail money posted. This can be a home, property, or vehicle. If your spouse fails to show up for their scheduled court date, you will put your belongings at risk for repossession, so it is imperative you are certain your spouse will adhere to the law if you take this route.
Post Items On Online Auctions Sites With Immediate Payment Required
If you have items within your home that have value, you can try to sell them via an online auction site. These sites are able to be accessed at any time, and if you place a low enough price on an item to make it a great bargain for a potential buyer, you are likely to make a quick sale. Make sure to take a clear photograph of the item you are selling and indicate you require immediate payment. Any money obtained can then be transferred to a debit card and used to post bail for your spouse.