Public Defender Vs. Private Lawyer: Which One Can Best Represent You?

Facing criminal charges is a daunting position for anyone to be in, but it can be even harder when you've never faced them before. The first issue you need to handle in this position is choosing your legal counsel. It may seem like a good idea to save money by opting for a court-appointed public defender to represent you. However, it's a good idea to know how these defenders can fall short when compared to private attorneys before you make your final decision. Read More 

What To Do If Lower Back Pain Appears Some Time After A Rear-End Collision

Within the past few weeks, your vehicle was rear-ended by another driver. You had some neck pain for a while, but you didn't think it was serious. Now, however, you've developed significant low back pain and you believe it was because of the accident. Is that possible? Yes, people do develop lower back pain long after a rear-end collision occurs. You may want to consult a lawyer about obtaining financial compensation if you need medical treatment. Read More 

How To Claim Workers Compensation When You’re Self-Employed

Being self-employed puts a lot on your plate. Sick days are often lost at your own expense and paid holidays can only occur when you've saved up enough money. If you get seriously injured or hurt while working, the only way to financially get by is with workers compensation. Even if you're self-employed, there are multiple ways to achieve this compensation, including preventative measures to help in the first place. Read More 

What Happens If You Are Injured At A Sporting Event?

Americans love sports -- from basketball to football to golf, and even auto racing and rodeo riding. And although these events can be exciting while watched on television, there is no substitute for attending live sporting events. However, this thrill doesn't come without some risk. Although sporting promoters work hard to ensure that their events are both safe and fun, occasionally an injury or even death may occur. What happens if you are injured while attending a sporting event? Read More 

How Will Adopting Affect Your Family’s Finances?

If you've chosen to expand your family through adoption, you are likely already aware of some of the financial barriers to this process. Whether you're adopting an infant or an older child, from the U.S. or a foreign land, you can be expected to pay legal fees, travel expenses, and sometimes even the medical expenses of the birth mother. However, there may also be some financial benefits of adoption (in addition to the priceless emotional benefits). Read More